Gemcapsule for Oliver Vettra
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Welcome to my capsule
Think of this my personal space into this spacestation called tilde, where i can do all the needed things
What is the magic with Gemini protocol?
The Gemini protocol is a document format that is easy to program for and do not need a lot of work on it making it the best option to a clean and accessible web, adnd that feature gains point against the actual HTML and other data sharing formats and practices.
Such protocol use an inherited syntaxis from markdown making it a simple to understand protocol that is way quick to learn compared with HTML. Also the files that are generated for gemini capsules are way lighter than HTML files because do not use the extensive formating way present on the concurrent format
although the Gemini isn't a protocol designed to substitute HTTP/HTML, but is intended to be a safer way to have a simple alternative
In HTML the code is
<!DOCTYPE html>
<footer> footer </footer>
but in Gemtext is like
# Gemcapsule for Oliver Vettra
## Welcome to my capsule
Think of this my personal space into this spacestation called tilde, where i can do all the needed things
It uses a simpler version of markdown
The theory produces a good result, but it hardly brings us closer to the Creator.
I am nevertheless convinced that He does not play dice with the universe.
My interests
- Music
- tech
- games
- devlopment
- networking
- cooking and eating
- Anticonspirationism
- SCP- Secure Contain Protect
- BSD and UNIX
- Luanti Engine (former Minetest)
my pages all around the web
HTTP pages
in construction
i write in Cosmic Voyage
best bulletin board and microblog for Gemini
Excerpts From my Gopherhole
The Idiots
about invalidating discourses against
autistics of support level 1
January 10th, 2025
It is well known that i am autistic, and as an adult autistic, i stand for the truth
about how different elements can improve the life of an autistic individual on childhood,
but face invalidating discourses every single debate that i am against atypical mothers on
arguments, mainly dealing with the invalidation of my place of speech, which is about atypicality
and technologies and mainly about improving the lives of atypical children with that tech.
The last episode on this saga is from January 9th 2025, that was a showcase of the idiocy of the
atypical mothers whom promote invalidation discourses. (If you want to cancel me before i even
finish arguing feel yourself free to do it, but...)
Someone shared a video saying that the metaverse platforms like Roblox would be nests of sexual
predators, to which i counterargued saying that the platform was very secure and never had a major
incident, and gave my credentials as developer on the platform.
After all the facts were exposed into a proper manner, a mother in a fit of idiocy said: "As a mom,
i am who decides what my son can or not do", although i have proved that a layman in cybersecurity
could not call any platform a nest of sexual predators.
That made me remember of a quote of two famous writers, Umberto Eco and Nelson Rodrigues.
Nelson, a celebrated brazilian writer said: "Idiots will take over the world, not by ability, but
by quantity. There are many of them."
In turn Umberto Eco said: "Social Media has given the right to speak to a legion of idiotowho, before,
only spoke in bars, after a glass of wine and caused no harm to colectivity. We used to make them shut
up immediately, while today they have the same speach right as a Nobel Prize winner. It is the invasion
of the idiots"
Gemini playground
hosted on:
same link as before but with a description -
this is a gemini quote, like a placeholder
more text bla bla bla
some more text
bla bla bla
western digital
external link
The theory produces a good result, but it hardly brings us closer to the Creator.
I am nevertheless convinced that He does not play dice with the universe.
text text text
bla bla bla
2024 Oliver Vettra-Morrigan